Parking your car on the street comes with more risks than parking it in a garage, but many people, particularly those in cities, often have no other choice, forcing them to leave their cars exposed to thieves, the elements, other drivers, and, apparently, turkeys.
@aliciamastroianni7 Moves to Boston… Gets Car Attacked by a Turkey… was not on my list of things to be prepared for in the city… @Farmers Insurance @GEICO @The Boston Globe @Allstate @Liberty Mutual @TODAY Show @Jimmy Fallon @NBC ? original sound - GLOSS
One TikToker named Alicia shared a video featuring a note left on her car from a kind stranger who wrote, “I just watched (and recorded) a massive turkey attack your car for over 15 mins! It looks pretty scratched up :( I tried to scare it away but it ignored me.” They added that while they weren’t sure what insurance coverage, if any, there is for turkey attacks, they could send the driver the footage, which is also included in the video.
In it, we can see the giant bird pecking at the car almost methodically, slowly stalking his way around the vehicle like he’s on patrol, as well as flying up and kicking the doors at one point. Photos included at the end of the video show just how scratched up the car was, and honestly, thank goodness for the good samaritan and their instincts to capture the entire thing on video, because nobody would believe that a turkey did all of that damage to a vehicle without cold hard evidence.
Commenters were baffled by the turkey’s vendetta against Alicia’s car, with several arguing that for the turkey, this was clearly personal or that he had beef with his reflection. Meanwhile, one commenter’s 12-year-old won the day when they quipped, “TurKEYED the car.”
Alicia hasn’t posted a follow-up video yet, so we don’t know whether her insurance company covers turkey vandalism or not, although several commenters who work in insurance explained that it should be covered under comprehensive coverage, since a turkey attack is very much outside of your control.